Friday, August 5, 2011

Jacob discovers a new self.

We find Jacob at the point of change in his life. Jacob is moving for the first half of life into the second half of life. This step is radical discipleship by Ron Rolheiser, OMI or as Richard Rohr describes it as the second half of life. I like both of these descriptions because they describe the process of becoming or returning to individuals as God intended. The process of returning formed in the image of God.

One thing we find that has changed in his thinking from either/or to both/and thinking. The is one of the signs of change as people advance on their spiritual journey. The simplistic thinking of either/or does not continue to remain in their thinking and actions.

Esau chooses the both/and. He accepts Jacob’s return by welcoming home. Jacob had not expected to receive this kind of welcome. Jacob discovers his code of existence either/or is replaced by both/and. Jacob returns home, plus he is welcomed back by his brother. He can now experience a new way of living out his life.

The best of both worlds is possible. This is like those of us who like cowboy movies but do not care for alien movies. Now we can enjoy both at the same time with Cowboys and Aliens. Jacob finds himself in a world where he does not need to prove to himself that he is the strongest, smartest or superior in anyway. He can now just be Jacob.

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