Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Choosing Jacob

Why would God pick someone like Jacob to promise the land or the future of the family of God? How could God trust the family to someone like Jacob?

God promises Jacob that God would be a guide, guard, and provider if Jacob will be faithful. From this story, we have no evidence that Jacob would be a is faithful. He continues the conniving ways in his relationships with others.

Jacob begins his bargaining with God. If God will be his guide, provider, and do this list of requests, then God could be his God. If you will provide for all of my wishes, you can be my God.
Mark asks if this sounds familiar to us. If you will come through for us, you can be our God. If you do all the things we want, we promise to be whole hog for you. Jacob was bargaining for a better deal. Are we like Jacob, always looking for a better deal?

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