Thursday, July 28, 2011

When do things work for good?

Toward the end of his sermon Mark turns to Romans 8:26-39. God deals with us at our weakest point. Jacob has reached a low pointing in serving Laban seven years, another seven years, only to find another seven years added to his length of service.

“We know that all things work together for good of those when love God” (Romans 8:28). As we can see farther down the road, Jacob’s life does change for the better. He begins the journey back home that he has wished for. As the events are taking place, Jacob does not see all things working together for his good. He could see only seven more years of service to his uncle.

Life has its interruptions where we are facing another seven years of service. How do we see God working together for good? If our life is in harmony with God, then God’s plan is our plan. Don’t we see this taking place in our lives but usually on God’s time?

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